External Compare and Merge Applications

Xversion allows you to use your own external applications for comparing and merging by way of scripts.
Due to sandboxing restrictions only scripts created by you are able to launch external applications.
These scripts need to be placed by you in either:

~/Library/Application Scripts/com.ikoder.Xversion/Compare
~/Library/Application Scripts/com.ikoder.Xversion/Merge

The two folders “Compare” and “Merge” will need to be created by you. The parent folder should already exits.
In Xversion the scripts will be identified by their filenames (minus any extension) and can be any unix style script.

Xversion will look in the “Compare” folder for scripts it can use to perform compare operations. When executed they will be passed four arguments:

1. mine path
2. mine title
3. theirs path
4. theirs title

For example, a shell script to perform a compare using FileMerge would be created at:

~/Library/Application Scripts/com.ikoder.Xversion/Compare/FileMerge.sh

and would read:


opendiff “$3” “$1”

To install all the example scripts below download the “Xversion Scripts Installer”

Xversion Scripts Installer.dmg

Example Scripts for Comparing

Listed below are scripts you can use for various applications that are able to compare files.
These should be placed in ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.ikoder.Xversion/Compare

Example Scripts for Merging

Listed below are scripts you can use for various applications that are able to merge files.
These should be placed in ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.ikoder.Xversion/Merge